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  • Writer's pictureKirdaar

Feeling Things Makes Us Human, Right?

Cinema Therapy: For Self-help

Inside Out

"Crying Helps Me Slow Down And Obsess Over The Weight Of Life's Problems."

Yes, this is about Inside Out and there’s no doubt about who said it. And there’s also no doubt about the fact that Sadness turns out to be the hero, we didn’t figure, she was. Inside Out is what you should consider when you need an emotional release. It is like a reality check, I didn’t see coming. While it is an animated movie that is supposed to show things that aren’t real but like other animated films, the message or the idea is more real than the world sends out.

This is what I picked up and I hope this gives you an idea about how it can help and if nothing else, why is it such an amazing animated movie to watch!

1) Inside out has these amazing characters, which are nothing but emotions that we feel. Oh, but they aren’t nothing, which is the whole point! We’re more in control of our emotions than they are of us. They are more part of us than anything or anyone, and to personify them is the greatest idea. There are also colored orbs for memories and personality islands.

2) Joy is a character, who’s almost what a crazy ball looks like. And we see her try very hard to keep things together. Which we misinterpret for happiness. But the thing is happiness is closer to contentment than it is to joy. For starters, happiness is more permanent than joy is.

3) Earlier in the film, Joy admits that she doesn’t understand the role that sadness plays in Riley’s head. Sadness is what acknowledgment feels like. It is what drains out the negativity, in forms that we feel are negative, but aren’t.

4) Riley tries to hide what she’s feeling and does not confront her parents. They feel proud of her in the beginning for keeping a constant smile on her face and that is how she ends up coping with it. Or maybe thinks that she should. Things cannot remain unchanged, we try our best to do that. But the best way to deal with it is by embracing and acknowledging the change.

Also, you’ll end up falling in love with Bing Bong. I know, I did! Let’s leave it at that.

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